The sun sets on the first day of the fusion conference at
Vilamoura, Portugal
20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference
Vilamoura, Portugal
November 1- 6, 2004
Updated December 9, 2004
Many of the presentations have been collected and are posted below.
These represent work in progress and should not be quoted without
permission from the author. Questions should be directed to the
authors. The
oral presentations are also posted on the web by the local
IAEA Opening Session
IAEA Overview of Magnetic Fusion
IAEA Overview of Inertial Fusion
IAEA Experimental Results in Magnetic Fusion
- Progress in the Physics Basis and
its Impact on ITER, M. Shimada
- 100% Non-Inductive Operation at
High Beta UsingOff-Axis ECCD M. Murakami
- Energetic Particle Driven Modes
Modes in Advanced Tokamak Regimes on JET, DIII-D, Alcator C-Mod
and TFTR R. Nazikian
- The "hybrid" scenario in JET:
towards its validation for ITER, E. Joffrin
- Development, Physics Basis, and
Projections of Hybrid Scenario Operation in ITER on
DIII&endash;D M.R. Wade
- The Improved H-Mode at ASDEX
Upgrade: A Candidate for an ITER Hybrid Scenario, A.
- Study of Advanced Tokamak
Performance Using the ITPA Database AC Sips
- Stationary high confinement
plasmas with large bootstrap current fraction in JT-60U, Y.
- Steady State High Beta-N
Discharges and Real-Time Control of Current Profile in JT-60U
- Control of the Resistive Wall
Mode with Internal Coils in the DIII&endash;D Tokamak M.
Okabayashi, Active Measurement of Resistive Wall Mode Stability in
Rotating High Beta Plasmas, H. Reimerdes, Rap. M.
- Confinement Study of Net Current
Free Toroidal Plasmas Based on the Extended International
Stellarator Database H. Yamada (J. Harris)
- Equilibrium and Stability of
High-Beta Plasmas in Wendelstein 7-AS M. C. Zarnstorff
- Measurements and Modeling of
Plasma Flow Damping in the HSX Stellarator S. Gerhardt
- Suppression of Large Edge Localized
Modes with a Resonant Magnetic Perturbation in High Confinement
DIII-D Plasmas T. Evans
- Analysis of Disruption Scenarios
and Their Possible Mitigation in ITER M. Sugihara
- Energy loss for grassy ELMs and
effects of plasma rotation on the ELM characteristics in
JT-60U, N. Oyama
- Impact of nearly-saturated
divertor plates on particle control in long and high-power-heated
discharges in JT-60U, T. Nakano
- Compatibility of Advanced
Tokamak Plasma with High Density and High Radiation Loss Operation
in JT-60U, H. Takenaga
- Stabilization of Neoclassical
Tearing Mode by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive and Its Evolution
Simulation on JT-60U Tokamak, K. Nagasaki
- Progress of the EAST Project in
China, S. T. Wu
IAEA Theory Results in Magnetic Fusion
IAEA Conference Summary Talks
Next IAEA Fusion Energy Conference will be in Chengdu,
China, October 16-22, 2006
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